2nd Prague conference
otto fenichel

Psychic change
Individual - Institutions - Society

20. - 22. 10. 2017

Knowing and Not-knowing as a Feature of Unspeakable Trauma Present in Analytic Situation

Lecturer: Martin Babík, David Holub Date of the lecture: 01. 08. 2017

Clinical manifestation of developmental trauma and various levels of identification are shown in two short case fragments to demonstrate analyst`s experience with mutually interwoven clinical and social reality. Analyst capacity to recover his analytic function is explored including identification of post-traumatic changes interfering with analyst`s potential to be sadistic and hateful. Presentation will address aspects of bad and totalitarian object and also role of relatively traumatic maternal unavailability.   

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Česká psychoanalytická společnost


Ministerstvo kultury ČR

The conference is held under the auspices of Mr. Daniel Herman, Minister of Culture