2nd Prague conference
otto fenichel

Psychic change
Individual - Institutions - Society

20. - 22. 10. 2017

Paternal Function and Thirdness in Psychoanalysis and legend: has the future been foretold?

Lecturer: Rosine Jozef Perelberg Date of the lecture: 01. 08. 2017

This paper examines the Akedah, the biblical narrative of the Binding of Isaac, and suggests that this story may be interpreted as inaugurating paternal function and thirdness. It marks the passage from the narcissistic father to the symbolic, dead father, and the institution of the Law that forbids all killings, opening up the succession of the generations. The narrative of Totem and Taboo and the phantasy of the killing of the father is paradigmatic of many universal narratives and is also a “requirement” for the foundation of culture and individual history, inaugurating open time and genealogy. It is the narcissistic father who needs to be murdered, so that the dead father may be created. I make use of multiple narratives (a modern novel, a Bible story, and an account from the consulting room) in order to develop my views on what creates thirdness and the paternal function. These narratives may be understood as transformations of the fundamental, mythical story of the murder of the narcissistic father.    

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Česká psychoanalytická společnost


Ministerstvo kultury ČR

The conference is held under the auspices of Mr. Daniel Herman, Minister of Culture